
The entire system is divided into modules. It is up to the administrator which modules should be active or not. By default, all modules are enabled when a group is created.


When you log in, you are taken to the group’s homepage, which, in addition to showing some standard information about the group, also shows you a timeline of what has happened in the group within a given interval. This interval is chosen by each user.
Frontpage screenshot


This module allows you to share news with the group members. It is also where news from the iGroups.io team will be displayed. There is an option to attach files to a news item.
News screenshot


This is one of the most used modules, where you can chat with group members. All messages are displayed in chronological order and there is also the possibility to insert both emojis and files into the messages you send there.

You also have the option to chat with individual people or member groups, if you wish.
Chats screenshot

Photo Album

Here, all admins or users (if allowed) can create as many albums as needed and upload all the pictures they want to each album. Other members in the group can also comment on the pictures.
Photos screenshot


Classic forum setup, where admins or users can create different topics, which can then be discussed.
Forum screenshot


An easy way to group and share links on the internet that can be useful for group members to remember.
Links screenshot


A clear overview of all members in the group, where you can find more information about each member and send messages directly to them.
Members screenshot


Create polls for group members to easily, clearly, and quickly agree on everything from meeting dates to which team is the best at the European Championship in football ;-)
Polls screenshot


Without comparison, the most used module on iGroups, with over a million created events. Admins can create events that users can sign up for or opt out of (if chosen). This gives the creator a very clear overview of each event.
Events screenshot


In addition to being able to attach files to almost all modules on iGroups, this module allows you to group and collect all types of documents that need to be shared with group members.

Remember that these files are 100% private and neither Google, Microsoft, nor others can access these files.
Files screenshot


Quick overview of what is happening or has happened in the group. All events are displayed here, as well as the members who have birthdays (if desired). There is also the option for admins to add simple "calendar events," such as dates for important events for the group that do not necessarily require sign-ups like with Events.
Calendar screenshot

As an administrator or co-administrator, you also get access to a range of tools:

Free Text Pages

If you need to share some information that does NOT fit into the existing modules, you have the option to create a "Free Text Page." This is an HTML document that you can create, which will then be displayed in the menu to all users.
Freetext screenshot

Member Groups

Here you have the option to group 2 or more members and name this group. These member groups can be used, for example, when creating conversations, where you may have created a group called "Warehouse Employees" etc.
Membergroups screenshot

Member Management

This module allows you to invite new members, see their status, and see who has applied for membership to the group (depending on the type of group they have created).
Member management screenshot

Group Emails

This module allows you to send an email to all group members. Think of it as a newsletter or the ability to reach all members’ inboxes directly.
Groupemails screenshot


Overview and management of the group subscription. Here you can always see the upcoming invoice, set who is the invoice recipient, and add or remove credit cards.


Here you set up and configure your entire group. Everything from the color palette to uploading a logo and the general data for the group.

Additionally, all members, of course, have access to a personal profile menu, where they can set up their own profile, upload a profile picture, etc.